Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gotcha Day - April 20th!

Today is the day when we are going to get our little Quinn! We leave in about an hour to go meet her for the first time. This morning has been fairly uneventful. We walked over to a little restaurant, but we are not brave enough to try any of their dishes. They looked a little iffy. So now, we are just waiting in anticipation for the time to go by.

We will blog later tonight with pictures!


The Helliges

Here is our sweet angel!! Quinn is such a blessing, and an answer to our prayers! She is such a sweet little punkin head, always laughing and squealing!

This afternoon we went to the welfare agency to get her. They ushered us into a room with the little girls and then realized that we were supposed to be in another room. Katie and Kara recognized her right away. We were led into the other room and another spanish speaking family joined us. Then they brought her in. She was all giggles and smiles. Quinn trusted Katie right away and let her hold her and then kara got to hold her and then daddy. We were only at the welfare agency for a short time.

We only had a small meltdown when we were in the lobby. The director and another lady from the welfare agency from Guilin were leaving and it hit Quinn. So she cried for a little bit but it didn't last for long.

We then got her back to the hotel room and then off to Walmart to get her some food and diapers. There isn't much to see here, but we will enjoy our new girl!!

Thank you for your prayers!

The Helliges


  1. omgosh!!!!! i can't sleep just thinking about what "cookie" has in store for her!!!! she is going to be loved forever in just about an hour!!!!!!! God is good. hugs to you all!!!! we love you too "cookie"!

  2. She's soooo cute! I knew you would put her in one of Wren's outfits and dress her up and it would be cute, but that smile is really CUTE. I love that Dan said she is laughing and squealing. Also, my favorite picture is Katie and Kara looking down at her on the little rocking horse. Precious! I can't wait for Luke to meet her!

  3. Hey guy its Shelby quick quwstion can the little pumkin walk? would love to know!! Can not wait to see her!! Have fun!! p.s Missy wants to know if she was in a foster home?

  4. Oh my goodness...She is precious, and beautiful, and perfect, and looks so sweet! I can't wait to meet that lil punkin!

  5. there she is!!!! it looks like you all are all smiles and squeals too!!!!!!!!!what a gift! wren is a big sister! woohoo!!!! we love you all. that means you too punkin cookie bum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. k and k, good job with the headband! keep it up! teehee!

  7. Oh what A BIG GOD WE SERVE! She is beautiful!

  8. Shelby, she is taking a few steps, but not walking by herself yet. And she was in foster family before she came to us. But she is doing so good and we love her sweet sweet laugh!

  9. thanks so much for answering my question!!! Hope you are still haveing fun cant wait to see little Quinn!! love SHELBY
